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Calle Allende

Calle Allende is directed, created, and designed by Anatar Marmol-Gagne. Shackled by restraints of reality, Frida finds herself unable to paint. In a moment of desperation, she re-discovers her life source- the other Frida. Calle Allende is inspired by an entry in Frida Kahlo’s Diary “The Two Fridas”. Calle Allende, a puppet theatre production, brings to life Frida’s struggle to reconcile her broken self and dying inspiration. Frida’s pain has clouded her, but in a moment of clarity soon realizes that without her imagination, she will lose her lifeline.

I am an original permanent cast member in this touring production as well as a deviser, collaborater, and assistant designer.

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 Pictures and video provided by Anatar Marmol-Gagne.

Pictures and video provided by Anatar Marmol-Gagne.